SEARCH:       Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Fitness Tip of the Day!
Lowest Resting Heart Rate
Miguel Indurain, 5-time winner of the Tour de France, was reported to have a resting HR of 28 beats per minute! (source: Heart Rate Training, 2011)

P90X (DVD)

Author: Horton T
Category: Exercise DVD
Audience: Consumer
Length: 12 DVDs
Publisher: Beachbody
  Year Published: 2007
List Price: $150.00® Rating: Excellent!

Tony Horton has created a home work-out routine that is VERY challenging!  The package consists of 12 DVDs, and two booklets:  an exercise guide and a nutrition guide.

(review coming soon...)

Reviewed by: Stan Reents, PharmD 6/2/2014 10:49:46 AM

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